Time. That thing you never have enough of when deadlines are chasing you, but somehow drags when you’re stuck in Lagos traffic. It’s the backbone of our entire reality—or so we think. But what if I told you that time is just an illusion? That past, present, and future are all happening at once, like a Nollywood multiverse gone rogue?

Oya, let’s break it down.

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Wait First, What Even Is Time?

Time feels real because we measure it—seconds, minutes, hours. Your alarm goes off, you hit snooze, and boom! Another 10 minutes gone. But scientists have been arguing about time for centuries. Some say it’s a fundamental part of the universe, like space. Others say it’s just a human-made concept, like jollof supremacy debates.

The real wahala started when Albert Einstein came in with his E = mc² flex and showed that time isn’t fixed—it bends, stretches, and can even slow down (just like your internet connection when you need it most). According to his theory of relativity, time depends on speed and gravity, meaning astronauts in space literally age slower than people on Earth. Wild, abi?

But Then, Some Scientists Said, “Time No Even Dey”

Enter the Block Universe Theory—a.k.a. the theory that might just melt your brain. It says that the past, present, and future are all existing at once, like different episodes of your favorite Netflix series. You’re just “watching” one moment at a time, but the entire season is already there. So technically, your future self is out there somewhere, already spending money you haven’t even made yet.

Even crazier? Some physicists argue that since time is just our way of making sense of change, it doesn’t actually “flow.” Things just are. This means your childhood, that embarrassing WhatsApp voice note you sent last year, and the day you finally hammer, all exist together in one big reality soup.

So, If Time No Dey, Why Are We Still Aging?

Good question. If time doesn’t exist, why do we still have birthdays? Why does your data still expire? Scientists explain this with entropy—a fancy way of saying that the universe is always moving from order to disorder (just like Nigeria’s electricity supply). Things get older, messier, and more unpredictable because the universe is expanding. So, while time might not be “real,” change definitely is.

Does This Mean Time Travel Is Possible?

Omo, maybe. If the past and future exist right now, then in theory, time travel should be possible. Some scientists even believe that wormholes—those sci-fi-like tunnels in space—could be shortcuts to different points in time. But until someone figures it out, we’re all stuck here paying rent in the present.

So What Do We Do With This Madness?

  • Relax. If all moments exist at once, maybe you shouldn’t stress too much about the future. After all, your future billionaire self is already chilling somewhere in the block universe.
  • Be intentional. If the past is still “there,” everything you do matters. That tweet you fired off in anger? It’s permanently floating somewhere in spacetime. Act wisely.
  • Time may be fake, but vibes are real. At the end of the day, whether time is an illusion or not, we still experience it. So enjoy your moments, collect memories, and live your best life.

Final Question: Does Time Exist or Not?

Na who go settle this matter? The truth is, nobody knows for sure. But one thing is certain—this debate will continue long after you finish reading this. Maybe in another timeline, you’ve already read it and shared it with your friends. Who knows?

For now, let’s just agree on one thing: Whether time exists or not, Nigerian traffic will always make you feel like it’s standing still. 🚶🏾‍♂️⏳

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